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Q: I am outdoors a lot – swimming, gardening, etc. Do have any hair care tips for me?

A: Without question you should use a shampoo and conditioner with added moisture, as well as a leave-in conditioner. We love the CHRONOLOGISTE range of products from Kérastase

Another great tip is to wear a hat, at all times – whether you are in the garden or on the beach. A healthy scalp is very important; without a healthy scalp your hair will get very weak and become susceptible to breakage. Wind and salt, from the sea, can cause hair to tangle resulting in further damage. Wearing a hat, or head-scarf, will prevent hair from tangling.

The answer to this hair Q&A was provided by Kaeley from Lunatic Fringe 011 783 4280 or 084 206 7224.

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