Inspire. Transform. Motivate.



Five years, the same hairstyle?
Would you love to look and feel your very best?
Want to know what hairstyle best suits your face shape?
Does your hairdresser give you sound advice?
Want to say goodbye to those bad hair days?

lotus image

The perfect hairstyles for your face shape and the best hair, makeup and clothing colours for your skin tone.

Before you cut or colour your hair, you must take the following into consideration: Your skin tone. Your face shape. The proportion of your forehead. The shape of your eyebrows, eyes, nose and ears. The length and width of your neck – and your shoulders. Your hair type and how much time, realistically, you are able to spend on your hair each day. All of these elements are absolutely essential when establishing your best hairstyles and colours.

After your consultation, you will know exactly which hairstyles suit your face shape, and exactly which hair colours suit your skin tone – it is very empowering indeed.

A practical tool to take to your hairdresser.

  • A master class in becoming the best version of yourself
  • You will feel confident, not frustrated, with your hair colour and hairstyle choices
  • You will feel motivated and inspired
  • You will feel encouraged to try new ideas
  • Takes the costly guess work out of establishing your best hairstyles and hair colours
  • You will have clarity pertaining to what works, what doesn’t and why
  • Every consultation is individual and unique to each client
  • Valuable life-time solutions, not a quick fix
  • A lifelong investment
  • Certified consultants are personally trained by Chata
  • An encouraging, reassuring and informative experience!

Practical and valuable content that ensures a positive end-result.

  • A confident, improved FABulous new YOU!
  • The perfect hairstyles for your face shape
  • The best hair, makeup and clothing colours for your skin tone
  • Advice pertaining to on-trend or classic styles
  • We are passionate, professional and love what we do
  • We are knowledgeable and highly skilled
  • We have a high standard, an excellent reputation and an unquestionable work ethic
  • We are friendly, approachable and offer positive and encouraging methods
  • We offer a firm, kind and patient hand that guides you on your journey
  • Expert advice and practical tips
  • Comprehensive, realistic and practical guidelines
  • A friendly, non-judgemental, safe environment
  • Effective, continued support is available​​

Price List: From R600


The perfect hairstyles for your face shape!

30-minute Hairstyle

From R600

At my office, Consultant’s office or online. 3 hairstyle references will be emailed, together with a copy of the hairstyle consultation document.

1-hour Hairstyle

From R1,000

At my office, Consultant’s office or online. 5-6 hairstyle references will be emailed, together with a copy of the hairstyle consultation document.

I will start by establishing the following:

  • Your face shape
  • The proportion of your forehead
  • The shape of your eyebrows, eyes, nose and ears
  • The length and width of your neck
  • The width of your shoulders
  • Your hair type
  • How long you, realistically, spend on your hair

Then, based on your individual analysis, I will provide image references for your best hairstyles:

  • Short, medium or long?
  • Straight, shaped or curly?
  • Fringe or no fringe?
  • Etc, etc, etc

If you have booked an online consultation, this information is done via share screen, so you can view the practical process I work through.


The best hair, makeup and clothing colours for your skin tone!

30-minute Colour

From R790

At my office, Consultant’s office or online

Your consultation includes: Your Colour Chart valued at R350 I will start by doing a skin tone analysis to establish whether you have a:

  • Soft skin tone
  • Medium skin tone
  • Deep skin tone
  • Rich skin tone

I will then go through your colour chart with you to establish:

  • Your 16 best HAIR colours
  • Correct MAKEUP colours (foundation, blusher, eye shadow, lipstick, etc)
  • 60 perfect CLOTHING colours
  • Plus your JEWELLERY colours
  • Followed by a Q&A session to answer any questions you may have pertaining to colour

If you have booked an online consultation this information is done via share screen so you can view the practical process I work through.


A combination of the above: The perfect hairstyles for your face shape and the best hair, makeup and clothing colours for your skin tone.

1-hour Hairstyle & Colour

From R1,500

At my office, Consultant’s office or online

Your consultation includes: Your Colour Chart valued at R350 5–6 hairstyle references will be emailed, together with a copy of the hairstyle consultation document.

1-hour Hairstyle & Colour

From R2,250

At my office, Consultant’s office or online

Your consultation includes: Your Colour Chart valued at R350 6–8 hairstyle references will be emailed, together with a copy of the hairstyle consultation document.

If you have booked an online consultation this information is done via share screen so you can view the practical process I work through.


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View PDF for Complete Price List >

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Thank you for being the most encouraging, inspiring and motivating person – you ignite the flame that flickers in each of us. Your genuine passion equals your remarkable professionalism.”

~ Debbie Wood

It is so refreshing to finally find someone who finds good in everyone, and if they have faults their self-esteem is not damaged by criticism, because you are constructive.”

~ Joanne Kadish

I have cracked out of my shell and can now walk tall. People I haven’t seen for ages were stunned to see the difference in me. I love you Chata, you are my hero.”

~ Susan Dalliah

You have made such a difference to my life! Exceeded all my expectations. Chata, you are one of the most vivacious people I have ever met. Thanks!”

~ Annie van Jaarsveld

I now realize that making the best of what you are is a giant step towards becoming what you would like to be! “Thanks for changing my life. I feel good about myself for the first time in years.”

~ Ina Hamilton

Passionate & Professional


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Do you have any questions? Chat with me on WhatsApp.​
