We are proud to showcase a selection of endorsements received from the 500 companies Chata has presented to and the 175,000 individuals she has consulted with.
Company Testimonials
“Thank you for your valuable participation in our leadership course. It was, indeed, a privilege to have someone like you there to, in such a simple way, explain the importance of projecting the correct corporate message.”
~ Michelle Burgess, Department of Education & Culture
“The week was a resounding success; we have been inundated with requests for further functions on a regular basis.”
~ Angela Chapman, Standard Bank
“Chata Romano has managed to acquire more confidence than it takes to run a country. In two hours she convinced me that what she’s doing is vital enough to rate as compulsory education.”
~ Linda Shaw, Sunday Times Newspaper
“Talking to a group of male accountants is not easy under normal circumstances – so discussing a topic that has been a controversial issue in our firm for years was a particularly difficult task. Your professionalism turned a group of joking men into genuinely interested clients keen to ask your advice and guidance in the matter of Corporate Dress Code. Congratulations!
~ Janet Burrage, Andersen Consulting
“Fashion Consultant extraordinaire, Chata radiates the confidence and style that makes her business the success it is. She’s a neatly packaged dynamo of precision dressing, a walking advertisement for her company.”
~ Mary Jordan, Food & Home Magazine
Retail Testimonials
“I have learnt so much!!! Chata is an incredible trainer. Now I have the tools to sell, sell, sell and make money for Century City, OUR new store.”
~ Eunice Jacobs
“Attending this seminar has taught me so much about selling skills and more about the product itself. I won’t think twice about advising a customer because I can share my knowledge. This is a great feeling.”
~ Janet Janson
“I’m flabbergasted as to the wealth of knowledge I’ve gained in just 5 days. Your practical course has made me properly equipped for my customer; your enthusiasm has filled me with equal enthusiasm.”
~ Natalie Dickson
“Chata’s Retail Selling Skills Training Seminar truly enlightened me; I didn’t know so many colours could mix and match. I now have the confidence to approach customers and share my newfound knowledge with them. We are, as expected, to reach daily targets, but we were only given hourly sessions, maybe once a week by someone who wasn’t, necessarily, particularly skilled. Chata shone an entirely different light on the process of the sale – and the customer!! I am now completely equipped to do multi-selling. I am going to ask my Area Manager to send all my staff on this incredible programme, I know it will be worth the investment.”
~ Allison Petersen
“I have learnt so much and I am prepared to learn even more. And this is coming from someone who can’t sit still for more than a minute. The Retail Selling Skills Training Seminar was excellent. Thank you to Chata and a BIG thank you to my boss for sending me – I am very incentivized now!!!”
~ Vanessa Stuart
Individual Testimonials
“Thank you for being the person to ignite the flame that flickers in each of us!”
~ Debbie Wood
“It is so refreshing to finally find someone who finds good in everyone, and if they have faults their self-esteem is not damaged by criticism, because you are constructive.”
~ Joanne Kadish
“I have cracked out of my shell and can now walk tall.”
~ Susan Dalliah
“Exceeded all my expectations. Chata, you are one of the most vivacious people I have ever met. Thanks!”
~ Annie van Jaarsveld
“I now realize that making the best of what you are is a giant step towards becoming what you would like to be!”
~ Ina Hamilton
Consultant Testimonials
“You will get support from one of the biggest names in the fashion and image industry. Chata genuinely invests her time and her energy in the development of her consultants.”
~ Erika Swanepoel
“It’s a privilege to be trained by an outstanding mentor. Chata has an excellent reputation for high standards and unshakable integrity, which sets her apart – her brand is definitely the best Image Consultancy to be associated with.”
~ Willene Sieberhagen
“This was my first ever online training experience. Chata was amazing, very patient and extremely encouraging. The course was very practical, beneficial, and the attention to the most finest of detail in true CHATA style. Thank you Chata for sharing your valuable knowledge with us and for empowering us to help and inspire others. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of training. You are truly the best MENTOR ever.”
~ Alia Motani
“What a privilege to be personally trained by the very best of the best! Chata has empowered me with her goldmine of knowledge.”
~ Marlise du Plessis
“The detail, expertise and guidance from Chata is invaluable. You get to see her in action which is priceless. You get to practice and view other consultants during the training and this in itself helps you experience different scenarios. It helps you get familiar with the technology of the new “normal” i.e. online consultations. How incredible that I can now consultant with anyone, anywhere in the word! It is definitely a good investment and as always Chata Romano is amazing as a mentor.”
~ Monica Groome
Product Testimonials