Chata Romano: The Complete Image SOlution
We love our fabulous new logo, and this is why:
Our corporate colours are soft pink and deep red:
Soft pink = soft, feminine, nurturing, gentle, calming.
Deep red = strong, bold, powerful, independent, energetic.
The FABulous contrast of these adjectives proudly showcases that women can be both soft and strong, feminine and bold, nurturing and powerful, gentle and independent, calming and energetic.
Chata Romano: The Complete Image Solution inspires, transforms and motivates.
The Lotus Flower
We love our gogeous icon, and this is why:

The purity of this magical flower holds the promise of beauty hidden within its seed. Touched with warmth and light, the exquisite bloom of the Lotus flower emerges for us all to admire.
It’s a magnificent reminder that we can all blossom, sparkle and shine, in our own glorious, unique, confident and colourful way.
Our passion is to guide our clients on their journey of self-discovery and to help them realise their unique beauty and individual style.
We look forward to walking this inspirational, motivational, transformative and empowering journey with you.