Inspire. Transform. Motivate.

Proudly Certified


Personally trained by Chata, our divine and dynamic team of consultants are certified to conduct Individual Consultations and Workshops.

Our stylish, creative and professional consultants are also skilled Personal Shoppers. Selected consultants are certified to conduct Corporate Confidence and Personal Branding Workshops.

For in-person bookings please select a consultant in your area.

For online bookings please select an online-certified consultant (anywhere in the world!).

Passionate & Professional


Image Consulting is motivating, empowering and rewarding – welcome to our world where we inspire women to look and feel their very best!

I take great pride in personally training, mentoring, marketing and supporting my divine and dynamic team of certified Image Consultants.

What a privilege to be personally trained by the very best of the best! Chata has empowered me with her goldmine of knowledge. Chata’s leadership is complete with integrity and credibility.”

 ~ Marlise du Plessis

Chata, you understood my goals and you were committed to helping me achieving them. You talk-the-talk and you walk-the-walk; the perfect definition of a good leader and mentor”

~ Karyn Lindes

Chata is an outstanding role-model and a leader who strives for excellence. Her standards are world-class and she gives extra-ordinary definition to everything she does.”

~ Wendy Hind

You will get support from one of the biggest names in the fashion and image industry. Chata genuinely invests her time and her energy in the development of her consultants.”

~ Erika Swanepoel

Chata has an excellent reputation for high standards and unshakeable integrity, which sets her apart – her brand is definitely the best Image Consultancy to be associated with.”

~ Willene Sieberhagen




Do you have any questions? Chat with me on WhatsApp.​
