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Wendy Hind answers your fashion question

Q: I never know whether to wear silver or gold shoes. And can I wear them during the day? Amy – Johannesburg, South Africa

A:  Everyone can wear both silver and gold. If you have to choose between the two then follow this guideline: If you have a softer, paler skin tone then silver works best. If you have a golden or darker skin tone then gold works best. Silver co-ordinates best when worn with cool colours and gold co-ordinates best when worn with warm colours.  Metallic shades can be worn during the day, not as court shoes, but as strappy sandals. Dress them down with a pair of denims and a gorgeous top / jacket and you will look and feel like a million dollars! Flat heels during the day (image on the left) and heels in the evening (image on the right).

The answer to this Q&A was provided by Wendy Hind, Chata Romano Image Consultant.

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