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Mixing silver and gold has always been a big no-no-NO! You chose either silver or gold. Not anymore. One of the hottest trends this winter season is to mix these two gorgeous metals together.

Mixing metals, if done correctly, can look absolutely sensational. But, if done incorrectly, it can be a disaster. Here is a style tip to ensure you wear this trend well: Mix silver and gold TOGETHER, not separately, for example: Don’t wear silver earrings and a gold necklace as there is no connection between the two. Wear an earring, or necklace, that has both silver and gold.

Perfect this trend by choosing one key metal finish you love to be the prominent metal, then another to complete the look. Introduce a mix of metals by layering watches, bracelets and rings, for example: Wear a watch on one hand and stack a mix of bracelets on the other. Then add some rings on both hands. Mixing metals adds character and instantly updates your outfit, from smart to casual.

Time to sparkle and shine with this gorgeous new winter trend!

This article was brought to you by Chata Romano Image Consultant Karyn Lindes

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