I received such a wonderful response to this question that I put to my followers, “If you could ask me one personal question, what would it be?”. I edited the questions down to 50, and I will be answering 5 questions a day – these are the questions for today:
- What is your favourite animal?
- Chata, hoe het jy jou klerekas verander deur die jare? Het jy ooit gedink jy kan nie die mode of daardie kledingstuk dra omdat jy ook ouer geword het nie? Translated is: Did you ever think you can’t wear the fashion or that garment because you’ve become older?
- Do you entertain a lot?
- What products do you use for your beautiful, frizz-free curly hair?
- If you could dine with any other South African celebrity who would it be?
If you would like to view Q&A – PART 1 then please click here https://web.facebook.com/ChataRomano/videos/886487655157563/